Monday, June 29, 2020


Its been about three month since I wrote that last post, saying I was motivated and needed an outlet. It doesn't seem like three months, but honestly, everything just blends together now. I started making a website for my PTA district about two weeks ago, and I realized that I missed making my own blog (also, Wordpress is hard lol, and I don't know why we chose that one). I have a paper journal that I've been using too, but even lately I just haven't had the energy for it.

From the perspective of current events, things certainly haven't gotten better in that time frame. We had a touch of murder hornets, and great social uprising over racism and equality. Riots happened, monuments were destroyed. Theres been crazy weather- earthquakes and mud rain (all situational to your location of course). Social media has caused companies to clean house in the gaming and wrestling communities, as far as abusers are concerned. States started to reopen and now COVID-19 is spreading like crazy again. 2020 is really shaping up to be a dumpster fire like no other. 

Personally, I'm at dumpster fire level myself. I have been super depressed for almost two months now, and it is not getting any better. Usually I can pull myself out, but this time is different. I keep hoping that some day soon I can get back to feeling like normal. 

I don't really have much to say right now, I just wanted to say hey to everyone. I do have some content coming up though- so make sure to check back :) 

Also, I'd like to leave you with Billy Joel's We Didn't Start the Fire. Still very relevant.

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