Thursday, March 26, 2020

So About This Coronavirus.....

Its funny how quickly things can change.

I started this blog in 2018, because I had abandoned a blog I loved so much. Things were getting hard and instead of giving myself a break, I just walked away. I had every intention of doing better with this one. That lasted about a month, and then I just couldn't (those posts are all archived now). I came back to this one though, because I need an outlet. Personally, I can't say things got any better. They actually got a lot worse. But not having anywhere to express myself has been so hard. I don't know if anyone will even read this thing (are blogs still a thing, or am I supposed to be doing this on Instagram now?), but its a thing I need for me.

The coronavirus has basically turned everyone's life upside down to some degree, and it seemed like it happened in a matter of days. Its weird to go out and there's hardly any traffic. Or that store shelves are completely empty of everything you could ever want (and definately need). Its like shopping for the holidays has gone on steroids. The people working jobs that nobody cared anything about have now become the most essential of workers, maybe even placed over our first responders and medical personnel. And all of the schools are closed- kids are home like its summer vacation, except they know that now is not the time for that.

For me, things have changed only in that I see my husband more stressed out (hes a first responder), I have lost any alone time (which sounds incredibly selfish, but I've found that for my depression its necessary), and my kids are so moody (neither one of them is fantastic with change). Its been difficult but not impossible to get groceries. And I confirmed that I still have horrible timing, as I got a gym membership literally days before they declared the national emergency and started shutting nonessential businesses down.

How are you coping with this thing? Have things changed for you or a loved one? Are you just really loving all the takeout and Netflix binges? Let me know. Because like they say- we're all in this together.

Social distancing. The new normal.

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